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Rewards Token Handling
Updated over 11 months ago

Protocols come in all shapes and sizes. For Protocols with rewards of any kind looking to list on Superform, this guide can help.

Scenario 1: Rewards tokens are reinvested into the ERC-4626 vault

  • Rewards accrued by a depositor are sold for the native vault token and then that is reinvested into the ERC-4626 vault.

Outcome: This is compliant with Superform.

Scenario 2: Rewards tokens are airdropped to the EOA of depositors into the ERC-4626 vault

Outcome: This is compliant with Superform. Rewards airdropped to the Superform contract will be sent to the RewardsClaimer contract for individual claim by users.

Scenario 3: Rewards tokens are sent alongside withdraw() function to depositor

Outcome: This is compliant with Superform. Rewards in the Superform contract will be sent to the RewardsClaimer contract for individual claim by users.

Scenario 4: Rewards token are claimable using an external contract by depositors into the ERC-4626 vault

Outcome: It depends
A) If the claim function is open for anyone to call this is compliant with Superform. Rewards claimed to the Superform contract will be sent to the RewardsClaimer contract for individual claim by users.
B) If the claim function is not open then this is not compliant with Superform because the Superform protocol cannot call external claim functions. In this case, protocols will have to work on an alternative reward distribution model for Superform users.

Scenario 5: Token Rewards are Time-Locked in Escrow

Outcome: It depends.

A) If rewards are airdropped, reinvested, or claimable via an open function then it's compliant.

B)If the rewards are claimable via a closed function then it's not compliant.

C) If the time-lock is reset based on new deposits or withdrawals then it's not compliant because Superform's pooled LP model would reset the timer every time a transaction is made, effectively locking funds.

Scenario 6: My project has Points.

Outcome: This depends on how and where points are accrued. The Superform contract that handles users deposits will likely accrue the points. If those points convert to tokens, then the same rules apply as the preceding five scenarios. Alternatively, projects can choose to disqualify Superforms from earning points and instead reward SuperPosition holders of their vaults if they want to directly reward users without going through Superform.

If your rewards are not compliant with Superform, please reach out to the Superform Labs team if you'd like to discuss alternative distribution mechanics.

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